Sky is not, and should not be the limit for children……

Bright Orange Foundation continuous work hard for mainstream to underprivileged children.

75 out of our 300 children have taken the first step of a journey towards endless opportunities as they got admitted to mainstream government schools.

For Bright Orange Foundation, this is the first milestone in realizing our vision of creating enabling conditions for our children.

But this is just the beginning

We have a lot of work to do for mainstream to underprivileged.

Mainstreaming all our kids.
Helping them with remedial classes.
Providing them with infrastructural support.
are huge responsibilities. When we constantly remind our children to dream big, we are aware of our responsibilities of providing the supporting hand that enables them to realize their dreams.

Of course, there were challenges in mainstream

Children that we are talking about were either completely illiterate or had some basic literacy back in the village which is forgotten in the urban slum life, where running around with a tyre with other children is more interesting.


Making them school ready to get admission in age and knowledge appropriate classes was the beginning. Pursuance with school authorities, making documents ready for a migrant population, were other administrative challenges. Of course, these are nothing against the immense possibilities that have opened up for the children.